The UPS Store - Latham
Store Information
Store Hours:
M-F: 8:30 AM - 6:30 PM
9 AM - 4 PM
Sunday: CLOSED
(518) 786 - 1925
(518) 786 - 1907
For more information:
Call, click, or visit today and get it printed, shipped, or pick it up today!
- Shipping Services,
- Packing Service,
- Digital Printing from your Email, thumb drive or disc,
- Large Format Printing
- High Speed Color or B/W Coping,
- Mail Box Service,
- Faxing,
- Binding/ Laminating,
- Office Supplies,
- We offer "the Pack and Ship Promise," so no worries,
- Moving Supplies,
Stop in and see Ken and his staff for expert friendly service.
Visit our Website